Library Policies


-Czabán Samu Community Centre and Library

 Children’s and Public Library branches

5931 Nagyszénás

Szabadság u.25.

Tel.: 06-68/443-124

Rules and Regulations


The Nagyszénás Czabán Samu Cultural House and Library is a public library.

Our services are available for current borrower’s card-holders, some services even without borrower’s cards, for every Hungarian citizen, for single visitors or groups.



Every person  who wants to registrate is required to give his/her personal data.

Credibility should be confirmed by identity card.

Personal informations are treated confidentially.

During the registration the readers or visitors can get written information about the library and its services on requests.

Registration is free. We accept library-support donations, there is a box provided for this.

With a Borrower’s card:

Borrower’s cards are valid from 1st January until 31st December. They are personal, non-transferable.

Borrower’s card holders are entitled to visit the library, to use the library’s collection locally, to use the library’s catalogues, to get information about the library and about the services of the library system, to borrow the library’s collection and to use the library’s other services.

Without Borrower’s card:

Books, newspapers, magazines and other library-documents can be used locally

library services such as printing, photocopying and Internet access are available

but borrowing books is not possible.

Borrowing Policies

Borrowing is only possible with one’s own valid Borrower's Card. 

Maximum number of borrowed books at the same time: 5 items

Borrowing deadline: 21 days (3 weeks)

-reference books can be borrowed only for the weekend /from 12 am on Saturday until the opening on Monday/

Books may be renewed once, reference books don’t.


Overdue Fines:

Fines are charged if materials are returned late. Overdue Fine is 50,-Ft /item/day.

Reservation, borrowing

 Items borrowed by other users can be reserved. If the the book is not owned by the Library, readers can use interlibrary loan (ODR).

The fee of the interlibrary loan: fee of postage or the fee of photocopying.

 Lost documents:

If the user lost the borrowed document, charge is the following:

-user is liable to pay the lost book/books’ actual acquisition price

Non-borrowable documents

The non-borrowable documents can be read during open hours in the library and can be (partly) photocopyed.

Non-borrowable documents are the following:

-          reference books /marked with red label/

-          journals

-          audiovisual documents /CD, records, cassettes, videos/


In some cases the non-borrowable documents can be borrowed with the librarian’s permission from closing until opening and from 12am Saturday until Monday morning.


  Kulturális Hírek,
Közhasznú információk

